Automate the submittal process and eliminate errors due to inaccuracies
You can easily send submittals with attachments to the proper team members from the StratusCM system. Personnel will receive notifications via email regarding the submittal via our distribution workflow. This way, the whole team is on the same page and are aware of the current status of submittals and who is next to take action. Once again, StratusCM has the automated workflow built-in that limits the amount of manual processes.
You can easily stay up-to-date by accessing each submittal to find out the status of each with accompanying history. Simply view all submittals via PDF from the summary log view screen and search and locate the submittal you need seamlessly. You can drill down into the detail of the submittal as your team sees fit. The permission settings will dictate who can create, view, and update a submittal.
The mark-up feature in StratusCM allows you to make those notes you need before sending the submittal along.