StratusCM adopts a variable pricing model which truly depends on the size of the client’s projects. Essentially, users pay a flat fee per project based on the total construction value of the project. This ensures that users who manage projects with less construction costs don’t pay the same as users who manage larger projects with higher construction costs. In that sense, StratusCM tailors pricing to our user’s unique situation. Essentially, StratusCM is here to grow with you. There are multiple variables we take into consideration when pricing our system for you based on your individual needs. We feel that smaller clients shouldn’t pay the same price as larger clients who operate in a different context.
Although price does vary the service that you get from StratusCM stays constant. Each package comes with training, implementation, and unlimited support. In addition, each application comes with unlimited users to encourage collaboration. Simply put, we engage all our clients with the same enthusiasm, expertise, and professionalism no matter what the size.