Your team faces potential data breach challenges every day. Your projects are complex and quite ambitious in nature. The last thing you want to worry about is security or cybercrime which is growing in a sophisticated way. Our technology stack and underlying infrastructure allows for top-notch firewall and intrusion detection to make sure your privacy and data is not breached.

Many construction companies are not technologically advanced which leaves them prone to security threats. Additionally, most store a great deal of valuable data. Get access to your data fast and mine through it without risking exposure with outdated systems that are not easily updatable.



By offering a cloud solution for modern contractors, we employ the SaaS (“software-as-a-service”) model. This allows you to access data anywhere you go. Some of the benefits of StratusCM’s SaaS solutions is the following:

  • Convenient and easy to log-in from work or anywhere else
  • Low monthly fee with unlimited storage, support, and maintenance
  • System backups and updates are automatic and performed on our end
  • Start-up cost is low since there’s no hardware or software to purchase and host internally
  • Your data is secure since it’s stored on off-site locations for extra security